Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Gary Ian Butcher0
Jason Rickwald0
Kristi Elaine Schmidt Bauerly0
Dorian D. Dargan0
Rupert Thomas Guy Burton0
Giancarlo Yerkes0
Date of Patent
October 22, 2024
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
February 8, 2022
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
In some embodiments, a computer system displays user interfaces for enrolling one or more features of a user of a computer system. In some embodiments, a computer system displays visual effects associated with a virtual avatar in an XR environment. In some embodiments, a computer system displays objects having different visual characteristics in an XR environment. In some embodiments, a computer system switches between different presentation modes associated with a user represented in an XR environment. In some embodiments, a computer system displays a virtual avatar in an XR environment.
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