Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Applicant
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Eric Shofstall Kucks0
Boris Stanimirov Boiko0
John Stephen Eberhardt, III0
Mitchell Robert Horning0
Andrew Scott Beals0
Matthew Joseph Scott Drew0
Date of Patent
October 29, 2024
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
October 13, 2023
0Patent Citations
Patent Primary Examiner
CPC Code
Patent abstract
Provided is a method of transportation information exchange that includes receiving first data from a first aviation data source, such that the first data is provided in a first data format type and determining, based on a set of routing rules, a first aviation consumer of at least a first portion of the first data. The method further includes processing the first portion of the first data into a second data format type associated with the first aviation consumer and providing the first portion of the first data in the second data format type to the first aviation consumer.
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