This invention provides a probe based magnetic memory storage device. In a particular embodiment, magnetic memory cells are provided in an array. Each cell provides a magnetic data layer and a conductor. At least one movable probe having a tip characterized by a conductor and a soft reference layer is also provided. In addition, an intermediate layer joined to either the movable probe or each memory cell is provided. The movable probe may be placed in contact with a given memory cell, the probe and cell thereby forming a tunnel junction memory cell with the intermediate layer serving as the tunnel junction. The magnetic field provided by the probe conductor may be combined with a field provided by the cell conductor to produce a switching field to alter the orientation of the data layer. The memory cells may include a material wherein the coercivity is decreased upon an increase in temperature. The probe may also include a heat generator. The magnetic field provided by the probe connector will not alter the orientation of an unheated cell, but may alter the orientation of a heated cell.