Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Norbert Korenjak0
Date of Patent
December 27, 2005
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
June 2, 2003
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A straddle-type vehicle includes a frame supporting front and rear wheels, a seat supported above the frame, and an engine having an output shaft. The engine is supported by the frame below the seat. A transmission is coupled to the output shaft. The transmission includes gears. A shift assembly is operatively connected to the engine and is displaceable over a predetermined distance upon application of a predetermined amount of force by a vehicle operator. The selective displacement of the shift assembly shifts the gears. A parking gear assembly is selectively displaceable along with the shift assembly to selectively engage one of the gears to prevent movement of the output shaft.
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