Patent attributes
Heat from a heat generating device such as CPU is dissipated by a heat sink device containing a recycled two-phase vaporizable coolant. The coolant recycles inside a closed metal chamber, which has an upper section and a lower section connected by a conveying conduit, and a wick evaporator placed in connection with the lower section. The liquid coolant in the evaporator is vaporized by the heat from the heat generating device. The coolant vapor enters the upper section and condenses therein, with the liberated latent heat dissipated out through the inner top chamber wall. The condensed coolant is then collected and flows into the lower section, and further flows back to the wick evaporator by capillary action of the evaporator, thereby recycling the coolant. Space or a piece of element with parallel grooves is used to at least one of the sections to reduce friction in the liquid flow path.