An apparatus for rotating a tubular, the apparatus, in at least certain aspects including a frame, a rocker assembly connected to the frame, the rocker assembly including a top rocker arm pivotably mounted to the frame, and a bottom rocker arm pivotably mounted to the frame, top torque apparatus connected to the frame, upper gripper apparatus connected to the frame for gripping a primary tubular (e.g., but not limited to a first pipe), lower gripper apparatus connected to the frame for gripping a secondary member (e.g., but not limited to a second pipe threadedly connected to or to be threadedly connected to the first pipe; or part of a bit to be connected to or unconnected from a tubular), the upper gripper apparatus and lower gripper apparatus operable so that the lower gripper apparatus grips and holds the secondary member while the upper gripper apparatus grips and holds the primary tubular as the top torque apparatus is rotatable to rotate the primary tubular with respect to the secondary member, and torque generated by the top torque apparatus reacted through the upper gripper apparatus, through the top rocker arm, through the bottom rocker arm, and to the lower gripper apparatus; and methods for using such an apparatus.