Patent attributes
An intra nasal dispenser clip for aromatherapy and for dispensing fragrances or aromatically odorous medicine includes a bendable arcuate band extending between distal ends. The ends have a pair of hollow aroma or aromatically odorous medicine dispensing containers, with hollow fragrant aroma dispensing containers affixed thereat. The hollow aroma or aromatically odorous medicine dispensing containers applying the fragrant or medically active aroma directly within the nostrils of the person using the clip. The band contacts the respective right and left sides of a user's nasal septum, with the band wrapped around the distal end of the nasal septum. The arcuate band is gentle on the nasal septum due to the geometry of the arcuate band being a wide circular arc bottom spring member, with inflection points at either distal ends, from which shorter reversed circular arcs emerge with the hollow aroma-dispensing containers at their distal ends.