Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Margaret Clagett-Dame0
Hector F. DeLuca0
Margaret A. Highland0
Date of Patent
October 24, 2006
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 16, 2004
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method of minimizing or reducing the toxicity of a retinoid having a free carboxyl group is described. The method comprises the step of esterifying the carboxyl group of the retinoid with a highly sterically hindered compound, which is preferably an alcohol. The resulting retinoid esters are rendered much less toxic than the starting or parent retinoid. This process provides a retinoid ester analog of reduced toxicity so that it may be administered orally with minimal side effects and with a much greater therapeutic window.
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