A flame retardant polymer composition consists ofa) 20–60 percent by weight of a thermoplastic and/or cross-linked or cross-linkable elastomer andb) as a flame retardant agent 40–80 percent by weight either of an aluminum hydroxide with the material valuesspecific surface according to BET 3–5 mg2/gmean grain size d50 1.0–1.5 μmresidual moisture 0.1–0.4%oil absorption 19–23%water absorption 0.4–0.6 ml/gor of an aluminum hydroxide with the material valuesspecific surface according to BET 5–8 m2/gmean grain size d50 0.8–1.3 μmresidual moisture 0.1–0.6%oil absorption 21–25%water absorption 0.6–0.8 ml/g.