Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Yoshihisa Hashimito0
Takashi Uryu0
Toru Ohara0
Yasuhiro Takahashi0
Atsushi Kanno0
Haruyuki Hashimoto0
Kenich Fujiwara0
Kenjiro Morimoto0
Date of Patent
December 12, 2006
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
April 26, 2002
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Three user characters are displayed in a chat room. When a user inputs a character string, the character string is displayed on the screens of the respective users. When a character string inputted by a user contains a character string “Ha,Ha,Ha”, a data table outputs an event corresponding to the character string “Ha,Ha,Ha”. All the user characters participating in the chat make a laughing action, uttering the laughing sound “Ha,Ha,Ha”. The input character processing method not only can simply transmits utterances of respective participants but also can occur various events.
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