Patent attributes
A radar jamming signal generated by equipment carried by a target aircraft, is launched onto the leading end of a towed single wire transmission line so as to travel the length of the line as a nonradiating surface wave. A drogue radiator is attached to the trailing end of the line for radiating the jamming signal transversely of the towed line so as to be received by and cause jamming of tracking and/or fire control radar. The length of the single wire transmission line is selected so that the trailing radiator causes the jamming signal to emanate from a position sufficiently behind the aircraft so as to be outside the destructive radius of weapon fire directed at the apparent source of the jamming signal by fire control radar. A ventriloqual-like deception of the radar is thus achieved. A wave launcher couples the jamming signal to the leading end of the transmission line and for this purpose includes an electrically conducted horn-shaped structure, a tunable coaxial feed end at the constricted end of the horn structure, an inner transition conductor connecting the inner conductor of the coaxial feed to a leading end of the single wire transmission line, and a plurality of annular dielectric lenses and dielectric guides cooperatively shaped and fitted to the horn structure in a manner that effectively matches the bounded electromagnetic transmission wave characteristics of the coaxial feed cable with the surface wave transmission characteristics of the single wire transmission line.