Patent attributes
An apparatus for processing a drive shaft (11) for a vehicle, the drive shaft (11) having a longitudinal axis and first and second ends. There is provided a drive arrangement for coupling to the first end of the drive shaft and applying a rotatory force to the drive shaft (11). A second end support arrangement rotationally supports the drive shaft (11) at its second end. Also, a transaxial drive (35) for applying a transverse force in a direction transverse to the longitudinal axis of the drive shaft (11). The transaxial drive includes a transaxially displaceable roller arrangement for communicating with an outer surface of the drive shaft (11) in a region thereof intermediate of the drive arrangement and the support arrangement, via which the transverse force is applied. The transverse force has a magnitude sufficient to cause bending of the drive shaft (11) in the direction transverse to the longitudinal axis thereof as the drive shaft is rotated. In some embodiments, the transverse force has a magnitude sufficient to cause plastic deformation of the drive shaft (11) in the direction transverse to the longitudinal axis thereof as the drive shaft is rotated.