The present invention is a headgear for noninvasive ventilation interface made up of a nasal cannula including cannula tubing having a given outside diameter, and a headgear yoke with ends including tubing retainers. The yoke is adapted to extend transversely over a wearer's head. The tubing retainers are C-shaped projections having a given length and an inside diameter substantially equal to the tubing outside diameter. The present invention further includes a retainer mating element for each of the C-shaped tubing retainers to prevent the tubing from kinking near the C-shaped tubing retainers. The retainer mating element has an elbow section with an open side and a clip section connected to the elbow section by a rigid beam having a length substantially equal to the C-shaped tubing retainer given length, wherein both of the sections have an inside diameter substantially equal to the tubing given outside diameter.