A method, resulting in producing a customized running image of files, is provided for running, through customized booting process. Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME on ramdisk in protected WINDOWS mode with additional advantages of either freedom of choice of access to non-volatile rewriteable storage medium or flexibility of preserving user configuration in User Drive(s). The method and the booting process include the steps of producing a customized copy of configuration files used by Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME; copying these configuration files, system files provided by Microsoft for setting up Windows 95/98/ME, other device drivers and programs to storage medium/media to be used in computer system(s) or device(s) capable of running Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME; and with the use of these files from the storage medium/media, booting up in real DOS mode, preparing for and running off Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME on ramdisk in protected WINDOWS mode in the computer system(s) or device(s).