A personnel location control system for controlling and guiding a group of individuals in a selected path to a waiting point and then to an activity in advance of that waiting point. The system in one embodiment relies upon a plurality of disks or like guide path-forming elements which define the edges of a desired guide path for a line of individuals waiting to reach the activity or destination. These elements may be physically mounted on a ground cover substrate where a single substrate or a plurality of similar substrates in combination, could form a desired guide path. Thus, some of the ground substrates may define arcuate guide path sections and others may define straight guide path sections, etc., but which when combined will form a total guide path. Thus, modular carpet substrates or sections could be provided and each of these carpet sections would be capable of being secured to a ground or floor surface. In another embodiment, the guide forming elements may be integrally formed in the carpet substrates. Further, the guide forming elements may be individual carpet pieces which are located in holes formed in the carpet substrates. Thus, the various carpet substrates could all be pre-formed and merely secured to a floor at a desired location.