Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Douglas D. LeClear0
Jerry M. Visin0
Ronald L. Voglewede0
Date of Patent
March 6, 2007
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
October 26, 2004
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A refrigerator/freezer with an ice maker having an ice cube tray in which are formed multiple ice cube recesses. The ice cube tray is movable between a fill position and a harvest position. The ice cube tray has a composite construction comprising a base layer and a top layer, with the base layer being made of a flexible material and the top layer being made of a low friction material. The ice cubes are harvested by deflecting or deforming the ice cube recesses to expel the ice cube therefrom when the tray is moved into the harvest position.
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