Patent attributes
An adaptive equalizer updates its tap coefficients with the aid of an error signal e(k)=sign[z(k)]*(RS−|z(k)|2) where sign[ ] is the sign function, z(k) is the equalizer output at symbol time k, | | is the magnitude function and RS is a positive real constant, which is optimally defined as RS=E{|an|3}/E{|an|}, where E{ } is the mathematical expectation function and an is the information symbol at symbol time n. A generalized equalizer error signal satisfies e(k)=sign[z(k)]*(RSp−|z(k)|p) where RSp is a positive real constant, which is optimally defined as RSp=E{|an|p+1}/E {|an|} and p is a positive integer. The equalizer conducts blind equalization of an Advanced Television Systems Committee-High Definition Television signal and any other one-dimensional modulation system.