Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Date of Patent
March 20, 2007
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
November 12, 2004
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Heat conductive fins (107) are welded along both sides of a belt-like member (105a) with a margin left along edges of the both sides, thereby to form a unit (105c). The unit (105c) is welded to a body (101) with the heat conductive fins (107) from the outside of each fin. Next, another belt-like member (105b) is covered over a gap between adjacent belt-like members (105a, 105a), and these members are welded from the outside. With this arrangement, there is no need to weld in a narrow and long space and the entire welding step is carried out from the outside, which makes it easier to assemble a cask.
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