The device of the present invention provided an electrostimulation system with electromyographic and visual biofeed back for sensing electromyographic impulses and facilitating muscular activity. The electrostimulation system comprises stimulator that is adapted to generate an electric impulse and at least one pair of electrodes adapted to transmit the electric impulse or to receive electromyographic impulses. The system further comprises an amplifier electrically communicating with the pair of electrodes, the amplifier is adapted to amplify the received electromyographic impulses and a filtering unit electrically communicating with the amplifier and is adapted to remove artifacts from the received electromyographic impulse. A commutation block is electrically communicating with the pair of electrodes and is adapted to alternately transfer the electromyographic impulses to the amplifier or to transfer the generated electric impulse from the stimulator. A display for displaying the received electromyographic impulses and a predetermined threshold value is also provided as well as a control unit that is adapted to receive the electromyographic impulses from the amplifier and to activate the stimulator in a predetermined manner. The stimulator incorporated in the present invention is triggered to transmit impulses to the rehabilitated muscle when the electromyographic impulse substantially equals or exceeds the predetermined threshold value.