A method for determining whether a first state of a quantum system is occupied is provided. A driving signal is applied to the system at a frequency corresponding to an energy level separation between a first and second state of the system. The system produces a readout frequency only when the first state is occupied. A property of a measurement resonator that is coupled to the quantum system is measured when the quantum system produces the readout frequency, thereby determining whether the first state of the quantum system is occupied. A structure for detecting a qubit state of a qubit is provided. The structure comprises a quantum system that includes the qubit. The qubit has first and second basis states and an ancillary quantum state. The ancillary quantum state can be coupled to the first or second basis states. The structure has a measurement resonator configured to couple to Rabi oscillations between (i) one of the first and second basis states and (ii) the ancillary state in the quantum system.