Patent attributes
A holder (20) for a cutting insert (12), which includes a head (22) with a pocket (24) for holding the cutting insert and a bar device (26) for supporting the head, allows the use of a removable head for a miniature head and bar device that fits into a small hole in a workpiece, and allows rapid and easy replacement of the head. The head has a front part (42) of small height for holding the cutting insert and has a taller rear part (40) of the same height as the bar device. The head rear part has a screw-receiving hole (56) that extends at a downward-rearward incline (A) into a corresponding threaded hole (62) at the front of the bar device. The head and bar device respectively have a recess (70) and a projection (74) that lie around the screw-receiving holes and that align the head and bar device. A coolant passageway system (92) in the bar device provides coolant for both right and left hand heads.