Patent attributes
A method for partially refining a crude vegetable oil utilizing physical refining techniques is described. The crude vegetable oil is first degummed by either (1) allowing the crude oil to settle over a period of time, such as twenty days, so that the oil becomes stratified into at least two layers, wherein one layer comprises gums with low oil content and a second layer comprises oil containing only a fraction of the gums originally present and then separating the oil layer from the gum layer, or (2) heating the crude oil to a temperature of about 270-300° F. with agitation and then allowing the crude oil to settle for a period of time until the oil becomes stratified into the at least two layers. The degummed oil is then aerated and agitated while being maintained at a temperature of 170-180° F. for a time period sufficient to obtain a desired oil viscosity. The resulting partially refined oil is suitable for use in industrial applications such as the preparation of urethane foams.