Patent attributes
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, the hygienic toilet with a user protection from evacuations is designed. A self-foaming liquid soap as a high efficiency absorbing substance is used from contaminations produced during evacuations. A water tank is comprised of two compartments: one is for flashing water that could be a regular gravity tank, or a pressure assisted flash water, and a separate compartment is for a self-foaming liquid soap. A toilet bowl is designed with two rims: one is for a flashing water and another one for a soap foam. A soap foam is applied into a bowl walls and on a water surface on a bowl bottom for protection from evacuations and reflections into a user. Analysis of a liquid flow in a toilet bowl made possible to utilize a theory of surface waves in a bowl exit outlet designed in the form of a converging-expanding channel with a high velocity liquid flow through the toilet bowl without disturbances and atomizing effects and providing a maximum efficiency detergency of bowl walls.