Patent attributes
The invention relates, on the one hand, to a process for weaving fabrics on a weaving machine, wherein these fabrics comprise a plurality of warp yarn systems, wherein for at least two mutually adjacent warp yarn systems, in each of these at least two mutually adjacent warp yarn systems, at least two pile warp yarns with different characteristics are present, and wherein in each of the said warp yarn systems the pile warp yarns are interlaced alternately in the fabric, according to a pattern, for figuring application and are inwoven or float along the fabric for non-figuring application, wherein a bottommost and a topmost fabric (20), (10) are woven according to a double-face weaving method, and the said two mutually adjacent warp yarn systems each comprise the same at least two pile warp yarns (17), (18), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25), (26), in which case, if the one pile warp yarn in the first warp yarn system (17), (21), (23), (25) in non-figuring application, floats or is inwoven in the top fabric (10), respectively bottom fabric (20), the corresponding pile warp yarn from the other warp yarn system (17), (21), (23), (25), in non-figuring application, floats or is inwoven in the bottom fabric (20), respectively top fabric (10). On the other hand, the invention relates to a shaggy fabric which is woven on a double-face weaving machine.