The invention relates to a method for predicting the performance of large-scale hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir floods. One embodiment of the invention includes a method for predicting performance of a patterned flooding process in a subterranean hydrocarbon-bearing formation, said formation being penetrated by a plurality of injector wells and producer wells, comprising the steps of: determining flow-based pairs of injector to producer wells [FIG. 4, item 78a] (first well pairs) using a geological model [item 76]; developing a connective pore volume distribution curve for each first well pair item [78b]; selecting at least two first well pairs (selected well pairs) that reflect narrow and wide connective pore volume distributions that correspond to high and lower oil recovery levels; developing a 3-D simulation model for each selected well pair, performing a reservoir simulation for each selected well pair for the corresponding flooding process; and generating prototype performance curves for each selected well pair. An alternate embodiment of the invention includes a method for predicting the performance of large-scale hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir floods where injection well location, production well location, a process parameter, or a well processing rate is modified.