Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Stephen Van Dien0
Takuji Ueda0
Tomoko Suzuki0
Yuichiro Tsuji0
Yoshihiro Usuda0
Yuta Nakai0
Kazuhiko Matsui0
Mika Moriya0
Date of Patent
December 11, 2007
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 3, 2006
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A bacterium belonging to the genus Escherichia which has an ability to produce L-lysine or L-threonine and which is modified so that a malic enzyme does not function normally in a cell, and a method for producing L-lysine or L-threonine, comprising culturing the bacterium in a medium to produce and cause accumulation of L-lysine or L-threonine, and collecting the L-lysine or L-threonine from the medium.
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