Patent attributes
To provide a bearing with integrated rotation sensor capable of detecting the rotational speed and the origin position without being affected by an external magnetic field, the bearing includes a rotating ring, a magnetic encoder 7 mounted on the rotating ring, and a stationary ring. The magnetic encoder 7 includes a ring shaped rotational speed to-be-detected member 7A having a plurality of magnetic poles alternating with each other, and a origin position to-be-detected element 7Ba arranged axially in a portion of the circumferential direction of the to-be-detected member 7A. Rotational speed and origin position magnetic sensors are mounted on the stationary ring so as to respectively confront the rotational speed and origin position to-be-detected elements. A magnetized restoration element 7Bb is disposed in a circumferential portion of the magnetic encoder 7, where it confronts the origin position magnetic sensor, and except the second to-be-detected member 7Ba.