Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Tracy Lee Nelson0
William Lyle Wiley0
Albert Daniel DuRee0
Michael Joseph Gardner0
Date of Patent
January 29, 2008
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
October 9, 2003
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
The invention is a system for interfacing a GR-303 system with a broadband system. The broadband system can be an ATM system. The invention can process the GR-303 signaling to select ATM connections and then interwork the GR-303 connections with the selected ATM connections. The invention can interwork GR-303 signaling and SS7 signaling. The invention can also process SS7 signaling to select GR-303 connections and then interwork ATM connections with the selected GR-303 connections.
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