Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Wolfgang Grieskamp0
Nikolai Tillmann0
Wolfram Schulte0
Colin L. Campbell0
Lev Borisovich Nachmanson0
Margus Veanes0
Date of Patent
April 22, 2008
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
January 20, 2005
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Exploration algorithms are relevant to the industrial practice of generating test cases from an abstract state machine whose runs define the predicted behavior of the software system under test. Here, a new exploration algorithm allows multiple state groupings to simultaneously guide the search for states that are interesting or relevant for testing. In some cases, the algorithm allows exploration to be optimized from exponential to linear complexity. An extended example is included that illustrates the use of the algorithm.
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