Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Peter N. Yianilos0
Sumeet Sobti0
Alexy Khrabrov0
Date of Patent
April 22, 2008
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
August 10, 2001
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A database system that can synchronize all or a part of its contents over a limited bandwidth link is described. The lowest layer of the system, the bedrock layer, implements a transactional block store. On top of this is a B+-tree that can efficiently compute a digest (hash) of the records within any range of key values in O(log n) time. The top level is a communication protocol that directs the synchronization process such that minimization of bits communicated, rounds of communication, and local computation are simultaneously addressed.
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