An alterable frequency coherent light generator for the generation of highly energy efficient coherent light, by means of a power supply connected to a four-lead capacitor, which is connected to a variable resistive device in series with a vacuumed bulb. The direct current being conducted through the circuit is formed into a transverse wave of electrons or electric pulses within the vacuumed bulb by means of four-lead capacitor, variable resistive device, vacuumed bulb, and electric current interaction. The anode of the vacuumed bulb is thoroughly connected to the corners of a thin, square metal plate which has a relief conductive wire connecting from an edge of the thin, square metal plate to the four-lead capacitor. The electric pulses emanating from the vacuumed bulb, resonate the electrons within the thin, square metal plate at a frequency determined by four-lead capacitor, variable resistive device, vacuumed bulb, and electric current interaction. The resonating electrons generate coherent light.