Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Stephen B. Bailey0
Donald J. Hejna0
Michael C. Wagner0
Thomas G. Herion0
Date of Patent
May 27, 2008
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 9, 2003
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
The present invention provides a product that includes (a) a wood-based composite panel having a pair of outer surfaces; and (b) a radiant barrier material having a pair of outer surfaces, wherein at least a portion of an outer surface of the radiant barrier material is adhered to at least a portion of an outer surface of the wood-based composite panel; wherein the radiant barrier material that includes apertures such that the apertures are present in about 49 apertures per square inch of radiant barrier material or less, inclusive. The invention also includes methods for manufacturing such product.
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