A system and method for broadcasting multicast transmissions of data content over a unidirectional network between a single server that executes a server process application and a plurality of clients, each of which executes a client process application. On the server side, the server includes a client emulator that executes a client emulator process application to convert unicast form data to multicast form data and on the client side each client operates in response to an emulator that executes a server emulator process application. Transmission of the data content takes place between the client emulator process on the server side and the server emulator process on the client side. Each client also includes and operates a client process application that receives data content from the server emulator process on the client side. On the client side, each client can have its own server emulator process or there can be a common server emulator process used by the client process application of all of the clients or groups of clients using a dedicated server emulator process for each group. The invention achieves multicast broadcast over a unicast network replacing the need for bi-directional networks and eliminates the need for a back channel and the need to send multiple copies of the data, thereby reducing the need for bandwidth and solving the problem of scalability of existing systems to broadcast multicast.