Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Young Jin Doh0
Soo Won Park0
Soon Jo Lee0
Young Hwan Park0
Hwan Joo Myung0
Jun Seok Lee0
Kyung Seop Hong0
Date of Patent
August 5, 2008
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
June 21, 2006
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
There is provided an air inlet structure of a laundry dryer. In the air inlet structure, a base defines an air inlet, a front cabinet is disposed in front of the base and defines a suction hole to pass ambient air into the base, a cooling fan is stably disposed in the base to suck the ambient air, a blower tube forms a flow passage for the ambient air, a blower cover is fixed to the base to connect the blower tube and the cooling fan, and an air guide is disposed between the base and the blower cover, the air guide having a shroud at a center portion.
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