Patent attributes
A convertible display system includes two displays, beam splitter, and mount, which are adjustable to convert the system for 3D image use and 2D image display use, respectively. In 3D orientation the displays are at an angle to each other and the tops (or bottoms) are proximate each other, the beam splitter is at the bisectrix of the angle for viewing of respective stereo image pairs along a substantially common light path, and the images are provided by reflection from and transmission through the beam splitter. The reflected display provides its image in mirror image orientation relative to the transmitted image. The images are discriminated by polarizers. For 2D use the beam splitter is rotated out of the viewing path and one display is repositioned on the mount generally in side by side relation with the tops of the displays at the top to allow substantially side by side viewing of images provided by the displays. Selectively operable or automatic switching circuitry changes the reflected image between mirror image and non-mirror image orientation.