Patent attributes
A brush is injection molded in a multipart mold. The bristles of the brush are sequentially molded integrally with the base or handle. The bristles are extremely small and are injection molded in a unique molds. The bristle portion of the mold consists of a series a plates or semi-sphere cups, each of which is drilled with a diminutive drill bit. The plates and cups are then assembled so that the bores of the plates and cups are aligned to form the bristle containing portion of the mold. The mold portion for the bristles is injection molded with a first resin material. Then base or handle producing portion of the mold is injected with a second resin material. The selection of applicable resins, seize of bristles, spacing of bristles, viscosity of the to-be-dispensed fluid all considered in the defining of the amount of liquid to be carried and dispensed by the brush.