Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Ying P. Lok0
Michael I. Thompson0
Ronald M. Mercer0
Shashank Pandhare0
David C. Somayajulu0
Date of Patent
September 2, 2008
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
April 1, 2005
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method for sending/receiving a TCP segment is provided. The sending process includes, determining if a TCP port can be offloaded; saving a host system's time stamp value; replacing a host system's time stamp value with a TCP offload engine (“TOE”) adapter's time stamp value; and sending the TCP segment via the TOE adapter. The receiving process includes verifying if a TCP port is being offloaded by a host system to the TOE adpter; retrieving the host system's time stamp value; and inserting the host system's time stamp value in the received TCP segment before the forwarding the received TCP segment to the host system.
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