The present invention relates to an expansive cell composition for an electric rock destruction. The expansive cell composition is fabricated using metallic salt that is oxidation agent, metallic powder, and hydrocarbon compound. The composition is uniformly mixed at a certain composition ratio so that the composition is stably expanded by a high temperature heat and impact wave energy generated when a high current is fast discharged with respect to a metallic wire. A hybrid-oxidation and combustion reaction is obtained, in which a hybrid-oxidation and combustion reaction is performed, in which a flame oxidation reaction of metallic salt and metallic powder and a combustion oxidation reaction of a hydrocarbon compound by the flame oxidation reaction are mixed. The rocks are destructed by generating a vapor expansion force matching with a fracture ability class of rocks. Low noise and vibration are obtained when destructing rocks, and broken pieces of rocks do not fly away. Any change in quality does not occur in the composition according to the present invention.