An apparatus for focusing electrons being emitted from a field emission device comprises a cathode metal layer (20,44,52) formed over a first portion of a substrate (12,41,51) to partially define a sidewall (23) for a trench (25) in a second portion of the substrate. A ballast layer (22,46,53) is formed over the second portion, the cathode metal layer (20,44,52), and the sidewall (23). A first dielectric layer (24,47,54) is formed over the ballast layer (22,46,53) in the first portion and a gate extraction metal layer (26,48,55) is formed thereover. At least one emitter (30) is formed above the substrate and in the trench (25) having the sidewall (23) defined by the first dielectric layer (24,47,54) and the cathode metal layer (20,44,52). The ballast layer (22,46,53) extends along the sidewall and conductively contacts the cathode metal layer and the at least one emitter and provides a force that counteracts the sidewise pull of the gate extraction metal layer (26,48,55).