Patent attributes
A protection circuit (P) for protecting a load (L) against overcurrents, and including input terminals (IN1,IN2) coupled to first and second power supply terminals of a power supply, output terminals (OUT1, OUT2) coupled to respective terminals of said load (L) , a first active device (T2) having a control electrode and a conductive controlled path coupled between the first input terminal (IN1) and the first output terminal (OUT1), a charging circuit (I,C1,R4) for turning on the active device upon coupling the power supply to the input terminals (IN1,IN2), a current limiting circuit (R2,T1) for limiting the current through the conductive path of said active device (T2) at a current limit value (Ilimit), and a fuse (F1) coupled in series via the first input terminal with the conductive controlled path of the active device (T2). The current limiting circuit (R2,T1) includes regulating means (R1,C3,R3) for dynamically regulating said the current limit (Ilimit) value through the active device (T2) thereby further regulating the time to the blowing of said fuse (F1).