An ergonomic floormat has particular utility as a surgical mat to decrease musculoskeletal fatigue in humans during prolonged static postural stress, as occurs during standing. The floormat is constructed in a laminated fashion utilizing bubble shaped closed cellular materials, closed cellular polyethylene foam materials and/or closed cellular polypropylene foam materials. The design provides an ergonomically, non-compressible mat, which offers high support and high Indent Force Deflection. In a preferred embodiment, the mat is designed for single use only and is completely disposable. Additional features of the mat include being water repellant, anti-static and an anti-skid bottom surface of a low-tack, adhesive material to allow for greater securement to the surgical floor and to prevent slippage. While the floormat is designed with particular application for the operating theatre, it may find use in consumer and industrial situations as well, where a disposable mat is desired for maximum ergonomic and anti-fatigue properties.