Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Xavier Vera0
Antonio Gonzalez0
Jaume Abella0
Osman Unsal0
Date of Patent
November 4, 2008
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
December 15, 2006
0Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
An NBTI-resilient memory cell is made up of a ring of multiple NAND gates. The NAND gates are arranged such that one of the NAND gates has a “0” in its output, while the remaining NAND gates have a “1” in their outputs. PMOS transistors within the memory cell experience less degradation than in inverter-based memory cells. Guard-banding to account for transistor degradation may be mitigated, or the operating frequency of the memory cell may be increased.
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