Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Masoud Rajabi Zargahi0
Henrik Pedersen0
Søren Kjaerulff0
Susan Mampusta Madrid0
Charlotte Horsmans Poulsen0
Claus Lindvald Johansen0
Date of Patent
November 25, 2008
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
October 24, 2003
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method is described for releasing a soluble or membrane associated intracellular protein of interest (POI) comprising the steps of: providing a cell comprising a soluble or membrane associated intracellular POI; contacting the cell with a membrane extracting composition; and causing the POI to be released from the cell under conditions sufficient for the specific release of the POI and in a soluble form.
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