Is a
Patent attributes
Current Assignee
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Bella Felsen0
Itzik Shemer0
Judith Kornfeld0
Nissim Darvish0
Date of Patent
December 2, 2008
0Patent Application Number
Date Filed
July 18, 1999
0Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
Apparatus (170) for heart pacing with hemodynamic improvement, including one or more electrodes (36), which convey electrical signals to respective cardiac muscle segments. Signal generation circuitry (50) applies an extended pacing signal (60, 61), having an overall duration greater than three times a chronaxie time, to the one or more electrodes so as to pace the heart. The signal preferably includes a train of a plurality of biphasic pulses, and has an amplitude at least three times as great as a threshold for pacing the heart, but not sufficient for cardioversion.
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