Patent attributes
A server includes a host running an operating system kernel. Isolated virtual private servers (VPSs) are supported within the kernel. At least one application is available to users of the VPS. A plurality of interfaces give the users access to the application. Each VPS has its own set of addresses. Each object of each VPS has a unique identifier in a context of the operating system kernel. Each VPS is isolated from objects and processes of another VPS. Each VPS includes isolation of address space of each user from address space of a user on any other VPS, isolation of server resources for each VPS, and failure isolation. The server includes a capability of allocating (or reallocating) system resources to a designated VPS, allocating (or reallocating) system resources to a VPS in current need of such resources, dynamically allocating (or reallocating) VPS resources to a VPS when additional resources are available, and compensating a particular VPS in a later period for a period of under-use or over-use of server resources by the particular VPS in a current period. VPS resources are allocated for each time cycle. All the VPSs are supported within the same OS kernel.