Quantum computer includes optical resonator including system group containing systems each having energy states highest-energy state |3>, and other two energy states |1> and |2>, fourth or more states |p>, transition angular frequency (ωij) between |i> and |j>, homogeneous broadening (Δωhomo,ij) in transition angular frequency between |i> and |j>, optical resonator having resonator modes, ωck of kth resonator mode, and emitting unit configured to emit light beam to system group, and wherein |ωcl−ωcm|>Δωhomo,23, system group includes system subgroups Aq having respective ω23 which resonate with respective ωcq of resonator modes, and emitting unit is arranged to apply light beam of two wavelengths and other light beam to s(1)th quantum bit Aqs(1) (s(1)1˜r) formed of r systems selected from each Aq, light beam of two wavelengths simultaneously causing two-photon resonance on Aq at ω12 or ω1p, other light beam simultaneously causing one-photon resonance on Aq at ω13 or ωp3.