Patent attributes
The invention relates to an electroconductive textile material and method of preparation thereof. The method consists mainly of two stages: 1) special pretreatment of the fabric substrate for activation and making it suitable for subsequent application and strong attachment of a conductive coating with the use of a layer-by-layer technique (LBL); 2) subsequent application and strong attachment of a conductive coating by means of a layer-by-layer technique. The first stage may be carried out thermally, thermochemically, by treating in hot solutions, or plasma-chemically by plasma treatment. The pre-treatment may be performed, e.g., for swelling and/or for the formation of unsaturated chemical bonds or uncompensated charges in the fabric material. The pretreatment is needed to ensure more efficient penetration of chemical components into the fabric structure during subsequent LBL applications of treatment solutions that contain nano-particles and that determine the density of the molecular layer. The types and amounts of the nano-particles determine their charge density (solution pH is very important for charge density) in the sublayer. Such a pretreatment increases bonds of the applied layers with the substrate material.