A spot color pattern system provides a naming convention that allows the user to name a custom spot color pattern. A Raster Image Processing (RIP) has a database of spot color patterns that are user definable and are patterns which are images of a textile, fabric, metal, etc., that are repeatedly printed across the job. The RIP interprets a spot color pattern name in print job, looks up the spot color in its database, pulls up the image associated with the spot color pattern name, adds Postscript® pattern code to the print job to paint the spot color across the background of the print job, realistically simulating the final print media, and adds other code to perform other tasks, such as mirroring or four-way mirroring to prevent stitches from appearing. A RIP user interface gives the user the ability to create, modify, or delete spot color patterns. The invention also provides a mechanism that allows an application program to access a custom spot color pattern from the RIP.