Patent attributes
A method of increasing blood supply to an ischemic area with a cultured vessel in situ, comprising: 1) selecting a narrow artery responsible to an ischemic area; 2) selecting a vein drawing blood from the ischemic area and can be spared from venous blood return, multiple venous lateral system, and volume conserving venous system; 3) making a hole or flap on opposite lateral walls and wall complex of the artery and vein; 4) connecting the artery and vein so that at least 20% by volume blood in the artery will be lead into the venous network while resistance adjustment remains but total resistance is reduced. The connection allows blood flow through the lumen created between two openings in the vein and artery, and comprises an extravascular wrapping configured to provide extravascular support and promote endothelial cell growth over the interior surface of the connection between vessels.