Is a
Patent attributes
Patent Jurisdiction
Patent Number
Patent Inventor Names
Niranjan S. Pendharkar0
Chirag Deepak Dalal0
Date of Patent
April 7, 2009
Patent Application Number
Date Filed
August 31, 2005
Patent Citations Received
Patent Primary Examiner
Patent abstract
A method, system, computer system, and computer-readable medium that enable a copy of data to be converted from a full-data snapshot to a space-saving snapshot, or vice versa, while retaining all the contents of the snapshot. Full-data snapshots can be used for efficient read operations and off-host processing operations. Space-saving snapshots can be used to store multiple copies of primary data in a minimum amount of storage space without consuming unnecessary storage space to store duplicate copies of data that are not changing. The ability to convert between full-data and space-saving snapshots enables organizational storage, backup, and recovery needs to be met using the best type of snapshot for a given operation.
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